Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Farmville changes XP and coins when I'm visiting to my neighbors?

How many coins and XP do you recieve in visiting your neighbors in farmville? It is usually 20 coins and 5 XP right? But how come when I visited some of my neighbors in my list, I recieved 20 coins and 5 XP per friend I visit but then the remaining neighbors on my list is only 5 coins and 1 XP when i visit each? It usually happens after a few minutes of visiting my neighbors. Do you also experience this?Farmville changes XP and coins when I'm visiting to my neighbors?
well i don't really know, but maybe some error happened ?Farmville changes XP and coins when I'm visiting to my neighbors?
I have an idea: why don't you stop playing farmville, turn off your computer, and go outside or maybe visit some real neighbors. You'll be much happier.

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